OSHA Audiometric Hearing Testing & Training
Our hearing conservation services include historical documentation of noise exposure, audiometric testing, and review of audiometric test results. KSA uses Benson CCA-Mini Microprocessor Audiometers and software to conduct audiometric examinations consisting of air conduction, pure-tone testing at the test frequencies of 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 6000 and 8000 Hz. All of the above devices and the industrial sound booth(s) meet OSHA and ANSE specifications for audiometric testing.
With the exception of baseline testing, analysis includes comparisons of baseline test results with annual test results. Employees demonstrating a standard threshold shift (STS) and/or the need for medical referral shall be provided written notification. A comprehensive employee listing of the audiometric test results shall be provided to the appointed representative. Also, to be provided, are individual audiometric test reports, company summary reports, retest report, statistical reports, referral list, and STS list.
When administering hearing tests, we have associates complete a history questionnaire that asks them to identify known problems with their hearing, any current or prior medical conditions, hobbies, etc. After completing the test, we analyze their baseline test results with annual test results. If a shift exists, we do not assume that the loss is work related. Our team of doctors work to properly identify the causal factors before rendering a decision which may include an otoscope exam at the time of testing.
At KSA, we go the extra mile to understand the root cause of a shift. Hearing loss can occur due to outside influences or medical conditions. In most cases, if associates are properly wearing their hearing protection at work, there is good reason to believe that a shift in hearing is caused by another source outside of work where most people chose not to protect their hearing.
Our mobile units will allow us to test and train up to six associates approximately every 15-20 minutes. They are equipped with testing instructions in multiple languages for employees where English may be a second language. Furthermore, our units are equipped to detect outside noise above 30 decibels. Should outside noise exist above this level, the testing process will automatically cease until such sounds have dissipated.
The OSHA employee compliant hearing conservation training is provided inside the mobile unit prior to the associates being tested. The training includes a video shown to associates prior to testing, a demonstration on properly inserting hearing protection and a tri-fold color keepsake for each employee.
Let KSA Occupational Services bring audiometric testing and training to your location(s) according to your schedule.
Our screening services are federally standard compliant and clinically sound. Health tests are professionally reviewed by our physicians or consulting audiologists, as applicable, giving your employees reliable recommendations.
Our prices are competitive and our testing is accurate and reproducible.